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Study in France

France is one of the most beautiful places in the world to live, study or visit. It is the third-largest country in Europe as a whole with a total population of around 66 million .It  is the fourth wealthiest nation in the world.

French citizens enjoy a high standard of living, with the country performing well in international rankings of education, health care, life expectancy, civil liberties, and human development.  It is a member of many international institutions like Francophonie, the G8, G20, NATO,OECD, WTO, and the Latin Union.

France is not only a land of artistic heritage but also a country which produced a whole host of scientists, mathematicians and other researchers, whose achievements are no less spectacular. A total of 49 Nobel laureates place France fourth in the world. It is though not in need to justify the quality of education in France.

France is one of the world’s most popular study abroad destinations. The two different kinds of educational institutes one can choose from are, Universities and “Grandes Ecoles” (competitive institutes).The intakes revolve around September/October.

Certain institutes also enroll students for spring, summer or winter semesters.The French centralize the most prestigious teaching in specialized areas, mainly in business and engineering. The level of education is exceptionally high, making students a demand in employment market. France is also home to globally recognized education brands, such as La Sorbonne, Les Goblins to name a few. The university and institution graduates of France are ranked among the world’s best by companies of the world.

The tuition fees at France’s leading universities are among the cheapest in the world, with annual fees averaging under US$1,000 per year for domestic and international students alike.

The French embassy mostly offers incentive scholarship programs for all courses. The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs have also launched Eiffel scholarships to receive quality overseas students for masters, engineering and PhD courses. Eiffel scholarship holders on Master’s courses receive an allowance of €1,181 and scholarship-holders on PhD receive an allowance of €1,400.In addition ,the programme meets various expenses including return trip, health insurance and cultural activities .They might also be eligible for additional accommodation allowance.

List of some universities:

  • Pierre and Marie Curie University – Paris 6
  • University of Paris Sud (Paris 11)
  • EcoleNormaleSuperieure – Paris
  • University of Strasbourg
  • Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1)
  • University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7)
  • Aix Marseille University
  • University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5)
  • Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
  • EcoleNormaleSuperieure – Lyon